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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A derelict presidency ends in disgrace


A derelict President with a decrepit soul leaves office today.
Trump made 30,534 lies or false claims during his presidency, instituted a Muslim ban, called White Supremacists very fine people, African countries s***hole countries, remained obsequious towards dictators and tyrants while lashing out against democratic allies, refused to accept election results, incited a murderous mob to attack the capitol putting life of his own vice-president and that of members of the congress into jeopardy. 
He leaves as a despised person and universally acknowledged as the worst president in the history of the United States. 
The person replacing him, besides being complete antithesis of desiccated Trump, can quote James Joyce. Joe Biden is a humble person with full of compassion without a trace of malice.
~Rajiv Kumar