In all probability the number of pages filled with reviews
on a memoir by the former spy on Kashmir and published by Harper Collins India
by now far exceeds the pages in the book itself. As a disclosure, I have to
declare I have not yet read the book. My copy is stuck somewhere in the
transit. All those labored reviews and excerpts by now provide a near
comprehensive picture about the contents of those memoirs. I was rather amazed
at the reaction and response to the book than by the contents of the book that
I know so far. The mere fact that Amar Singh Dulat, a spy with intelligence
bureau and later an intelligence point man of prime minister Atal Bihari
Vajpayee in Kashmir, wielded asymmetrical influence allows a peak into
illegitimacy of occupation and the machinations used for its continued
sustenance. The fact remains that the Indian rule in Kashmir following the
illegal dismissal of government of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah in 1953 had but a
consistency of an orchestrated charade. Liberal distribution of cash and use of
people from Intelligence agencies as conduits was the only way to prop up such
illegitimacy to the hilt. If only those who gloat about their parts in exploits
to maintain Indian rule in Kashmir by bribing and spying the same people, would
pause for a moment to ruminate about the havocs wrought on the place and its
people. But then the welfare of the place and people was never on their agenda,
which was restricted to maintain India stranglehold on Kashmir no matter the
costs and consequences.
In the matter of review of the book by the Indian spymaster,
it is actually A. G. Noorani, the noted jurist, who has gone beyond and
provided the context for the exploits of spymaster himself, his predecessors
and successors. There couldn’t be a better-qualified person other than Noorani
to write an authoritative review complete with a comprehensive context. His
earlier book on the Article 370 lays bare the legal fallacy of the extension of
Indian laws on the state of Jammu & Kashmir after dissolution of the state
constituent assembly in late 1950s. Legal facts coupled with unambiguous
political reality, no matter when and how, any presumed plebiscite on the issue
of Kashmir’s accession would always have and would go against India. The Indian
paraphernalia being fully aware of that reality were left with only alternative
of maintaining the charade, no matter the costs and consequences. The one issue
that eluded A. G. Noorani in his review or his book is that Indian
surreptitiousness in dealing with the state was matched only with its
clumsiness and incompetence.
There had been short periods of relative stability, no
matter how superficial, when Indian state could have displayed farsightedness
to resolve the matter in a peaceful manner and none of the violence that
consumed hundreds of thousands of lives would have happened. Instead it wasted
those times by embarking on self-congratulatory complacency and furthering
Indian stranglehold in Kashmir. No one else other than Indian state is the
owner of the violence that erupted in its full form in 1989. The predetermined
elections then or now could have only one consequence, which already has once
run its full course and nothing has been done or is being done to alter that
course. The saddest part of the entire saga has been that now it is left to
rabid nationalists to set agenda for Kashmir, because they happen to be the
governing party in India. For them, the aspirations of people in Kashmir never
had any value. When Pervez Musharraf offered them discussion on the issue in
Agra, the then Indian prime minister, Vajpayee enacted disappearance despite
being the host with active nudge from hyperventilating hardliner, L. K. Advani.
The same brigade of nationalists upped their ante when a possibility of
breakthrough arose between Man Mohan Singh and Musharraf. What would be or is
bewildering, is that people of Kashmir ever gave a space in their minds to the
notion that solution would come from Modi, the current prime minister of India
who assumed office not despite but because of his brazenness towards
minorities, Muslims in particular as demonstrated in Gujarat riots of
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